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Light therapy is all the buzz in the biohacking and holistic health space right now. Thousands of peer-reviewed studies and even more personal testimonials point to the power of light to heal and boost overall wellness. I this podcast I discuss light therapy with Carlos Lastres who works as lead designer for one of the biggest light therapy device manufacturers in the world, Kaiyan Medical. This conversation gets into the nitty-gritty of how different types of light can serve as a potent therapy for both the mind and body. Check out Carlos’ links below to learn more!
Carlos Lastres is a Costa Rican-native and a UX/UI designer currently living out his dreams as the Creative Director for Kaiyan Medical – one of the largest, most innovative LED light therapy manufacturers in the world. He’s deeply passionate about the incredible benefits of light therapy, biohacking, and the integration of traditional Chinese medicine as ways we can all live healthier and more balanced lives. Working in the light therapy sector, he’s able to tap into his passions like design and creativity. With over 11 years of experience working for companies all over the world, Carlos prides himself in being able to work cross-culturally with people in Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the U.S. He has been featured on Chinese media such as CCTV4, “In Zhejiang”, FM89, and delivered a TEDx Talk in Hangzhou, China in 2019.
Head to the following links for more on Carlos’ experiences and portfolio.