Sometimes it can be hard to focus while reading paragraphs of text, especially when you have to stare at a computer screen for lengthy periods. Most of us need to pause to rub our eyes and readjust ourselves.
For others with dyslexia or other learning disabilities, the struggle to read text is even greater. Luckily, new technology like ‘text-to-speech’ or ‘TTS’ has been created.
Text-to-speech is a customizable computer voice that reads text aloud to the user instead of having to read it. The digitized human voice helps the user follow along with the text and can be used in various ways, not just for disabilities.
As previously mentioned, TTS is not just for people with learning disabilities but can be for anyone who desires to improve their learning skills. The text-to-speech technology allows people who are more audio-focused learners to listen to text without spending twice as much time reading it to absorb the information.
In today’s fast-paced society, education is evolving. Different approaches like TTS are changing the way we learn and understand new information without the frustrations of the traditional ‘one size fits all’ teaching system. It effectively enhances the efficiency level of the user to comprehend material quicker and caters to their learning needs.
For those of you who don’t know what dyslexia is, it’s a learning disability that can significantly affect someone’s reading, writing, and spelling skills, causing them confusion when they look at text or try to write it. While online or even reading a book, frustrations may arise when everything you see looks strange or mixed-up.
Reading online in a foreign language can be very slow and often misinterpreted. Text-to-speech allows each word in any language to be read aloud, making it easy for the reader to follow along.
With TTS apps like speechify, a wide range of voices is available in various languages such as English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Hindu, etc. With this growing list available on-demand, the user will be able to select their target language and begin exposing themselves to it regularly and effortlessly.
To learn a new language, the best method has always been complete immersion, and the text-to-speech mode allows anyone to jump in and give their brain a chance to grow accustomed to the new sounds and dialects. Apart from listening, the user can follow along with the voice as it reads text,t so pronunciation and reading skills can improve quicker.
Some of the other benefits of text-to-speech outside of education are in the workplace. Especially with any business or organization dealing with typing or writing content, we sometimes forget that employees are people too; they can get tired and make mistakes.
Many companies have begun using text-to-speech to assist their employees and ensure quality work. Instead of having to reread text to check for mistakes, employees can have the option to give their eyes a break and listen to their text, a more straightforward way to check for any confusing wording or errors.
The benefits of text-to-speech have a wide variety of uses. It helps people improve their language skills, enhances the learning experience, helps proofread employee work and overcome learning disabilities. With such benefits, it’s clear that text-to-speech will only become more popular worldwide.