2. Landdding — Find latest website inspiration across multiple categories.
3. Pagecollective — Good resource for website and components inspiration
4. Landingfolio — Great collection of latest website & components inspiration
5. Land-book — Filter websites based on color, industries, etc
6. Lapa Ninja and Landings Dev — Another resource for website inspiration with freebies
7. Awwwards — Best for creative & unique websites inspiration
8. Godly — Great collection of interactive websites
9. SaaSLandingPage — Categorized by SaaS product
10. SiteInspire — Filter websites by design trends and find inspiration
11. Best Website Gallery — Collection of top-voted websites and can be filtered by various web frameworks.
12. SaasInterface and SaaSUI Design — Collection of SaaS web apps
13. DarkModeDesign — Curated collection of dark mode website
14. Nicely Done and WebFrame — Collection of real-world UI components
15. PageFlows — Collection of user flows with recording and screenshots
16. Appshots — Curated collection of the latest mobile app designs. (Recommended for mobile app inspiration)
17. UXArchive and Mobbin— Huge collection of mobile apps user flow
18. Screenlane and DesignVault — Curated collection of mobile app components